Christina Imbro

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NY, United States
Hi! I'm a 17-year-old artist interested in animation and illustration. Contact me at:

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

My Ringling Precollege Computer Animation Work

Hello! So at Precollege, in order to squeeze in as much education into our minds as possible on whatever courses we chose we alternated between our two Immersion courses every day (with no class on the weekends except optional open labs). Anyway our first assignment was a still life we picked from the internet and then had to recreate using Maya, mine was so horrible I'm choosing not to post, sorry. Our second assignment was a simple ball bounce and then a robot animation with a model of our own design, however the only way to upload any of these projects is by rending it and then pulling it up in Adobe Premiere and converting it into an mp4 file and we didn't do that for any of  the animations thus far(the robot and the ball bounce). After this we animated our first Primitive Theater with a new model of our own design and by using Blendshapes for the first time, my model was similar to my robot because I liked the squishiness of my alien, here's my first Primitive Theatre

After this we became more comfortable with the software, Maya an now Premiere. Ed(my CA professor) gave us our first rig named Simple guy which we were to use to create another Primitive Theater with, with our own environment and lighting as the last one had as well. we also got used to this rig by creating a walk cycle with it--which was never uploaded to Premiere and wont be uploaded but here's my final Primitve Theatre

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