Christina Imbro

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NY, United States
Hi! I'm a 17-year-old artist interested in animation and illustration. Contact me at:

Friday, August 22, 2014

Self Portrait #1: August

I decided today to challenge myself to draw self portrait every month for a year, so like, this blog post is basically an unbreakable vow, an official document of mine I guess, or whatever. So one time of my teachers at Ringling who, you know,just happened to have worked at Pixar for ten years, offered us some advice( not that those two facts are correlated its just that I've been back for over a month now and that fact still blows my mind that this man had CASUAL CONVERSATIONS with Pete Doctor, animator/mastermind behind Up/American hero.) Anyway he told us that drawing from pictures is cool but drawing from life gives it that extra "umph". And so, here's a self portrait that I wouldn't say is my most true to life representation of me but that's where my "challenge" comes into play and I'm hoping that by the end of this year I will have my face...down pat. or that I could compile them in some elaborate portfolio piece...or something.
It took me four hours (10 pm-2 am) with a mirror set up next to my laptop and the desk-light I used had a very green lampshade so I came out

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